[Paraview-developers] load pvsm file in LiveArticles

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Tue Nov 5 09:55:31 EST 2013

Is that path valid ../Data/cyl.pvsm ?

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 3:16 AM, kyr <akyrieleis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> can I really open a state file (.pvsm) using the pv_web_file_loader ? In
> the
> documentation it seems  the --file-to-load option allows to load only vtk
> files.
> I specify the pv_web_file_loader in the Jetty config file like:
> # ==================================================
> # Process command: pv_web_file_loader.py | file_loader
> # ==================================================
> pw.file_loader.cmd=./bin/pvpython
> lib/paraview-4.0/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_file_loader.py
> --data-dir
> ../Data --file-to-load cyl.pvsm --port PORT --authKey SECRET
> pw.file_loader.cmd.run.dir=/../Paraw/ParaView-4.0.1-Linux-64bit/
> pw.file_loader.cmd.map=PORT:getPort|SECRET:secret
> and start in paraview (in the embed file of the LiveArticles  app) as
>  if (!pv.connection) {
>                         $(this).addClass("session_started");
>                         $(".clicktostart").html("Loading ...");
>                         var serviceURL = location.protocol + "//" +
> location.hostname +
>                             ":" + location.port + "/paraview";
>                         var config = {
>                             sessionManagerURL: serviceURL,
>                             name: "Live Articles",
>                             description: "3D visualization with
> ParaView/Web",
>                             application: "file_loader"
>                         };
>                         // Start a new ParaView/Web instance.
>                         vtkWeb.start(config,
>                         function (conn) {
>                             setupConnection(conn);
>                         },
>                         function (err) {
>                             //console.log("Connection failed.");
>                             var conn = {
>                                 sessionURL: "ws://" + location.hostname +
> ":" + location.port + "/ws"
>                             };
>                             setupConnection(conn);
>                         }
>                     );
> then I get the following runtime error
>  File "lib/paraview-4.0/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_file_loader.py",
> line 97, in initialize
>             _FileOpener.reader =
> simple.OpenDataFile(_FileOpener.fileToLoad)
>           File
> "/home/.../ParaView-4.0.1-Linux-64bit/lib/paraview-4.0/site-packages/paraview/simple.py",
> line 600, in OpenDataFile
>             raise RuntimeError, msg
>         exceptions.RuntimeError: File not readable: cyl.pvsm
> I have created the pvsm file by building a cylinder source in Paraview and
> then saving the state. Does this mean I cannot open a state file ? Do I
> miss
> something ?
> Many thanks
> k.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://the-unofficial-paraview-developers-forum.34153.x6.nabble.com/load-pvsm-file-in-LiveArticles-tp2573p2579.html
> Sent from the The Unofficial ParaView Developers Forum mailing list
> archive at Nabble.com.
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