[Paraview-developers] MFiX Reader Data Range issue

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jul 31 17:58:30 EDT 2013


By data-ranges not updating, do you mean on the Information Tab or for
the "Color Map"?


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Terry Jordan
<Terry.Jordan at netl.doe.gov> wrote:
> We developed the MFiX reader some time back, I am now seeing an odd issue
> with the data ranges.  Upon opening and applying the data, the data ranges
> for the scalars are populated.  When animating or stepping through the data
> the ranges are not updated and remain the same values as the time step which
> was initially opened.
> For example a typical data set may have initialization at timestep zero
> which has range of 0,0.  Time step 1 may have a range of 0-1.So if I open
> the data with the time set to 0, the range is 0-0.  If I then step to time 1
> the range is still set at 0-0. However if I open the data with time = 1, the
> range is 0-1, and will remain 0-1.  The values in the scalar arrays are
> correct its just the ranges that are not.
> This is not the desired function, I would want the ranges to update on every
> time step.  I am not sure what is missing.
> Thanks in advance.
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