[Paraview-developers] MFiX Reader Data Range issue

Terry Jordan Terry.Jordan at NETL.DOE.GOV
Wed Jul 31 10:05:40 EDT 2013

We developed the MFiX reader some time back, I am now seeing an odd issue with the data ranges.  Upon opening and applying the data, the data ranges for the scalars are populated.  When animating or stepping through the data the ranges are not updated and remain the same values as the time step which was initially opened.
For example a typical data set may have initialization at timestep zero which has range of 0,0.  Time step 1 may have a range of 0-1.So if I open the data with the time set to 0, the range is 0-0.  If I then step to time 1 the range is still set at 0-0. However if I open the data with time = 1, the range is 0-1, and will remain 0-1.  The values in the scalar arrays are correct its just the ranges that are not.
This is not the desired function, I would want the ranges to update on every time step.  I am not sure what is missing.
Thanks in advance.
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