[Paraview-developers] ensight load problems from source

Antoni Artigues Barceló antoni.artigues at bsc.es
Wed Jul 24 09:28:58 EDT 2013


I have Ubuntu Linux.

All my ensight files are opened well by a paraview 3.98 app from the binary

I downloaded and compiled paraview 3.98 from sources, and with this build I
can't open the same ensight files:

When I click to "apply" on the "properties" windows not appears anything in
the 3D window, in the "information" window al data ranges are 0, and it
appears this warning on the output:

Warning: In
.../ParaView3.98/ParaViewSource/VTK/Rendering/Core/vtkRenderer.cxx, line

vtkOpenGLRenderer (0x1e2fec0): Resetting view-up since view plane normal is

Any help is welcome

Thanks in advance
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