[Paraview-developers] Color Scale Editor Design

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Jul 9 17:51:44 EDT 2013

Alan (et. al),

As I was working on the fixing log-scaling with color-scale editor, I
figured it might be worthwhile to revisit the UI for the color scale

Attached is a *partial* mockup. The basic idea is to make the dialog
adopt the style used by the "Properties" panel i.e. become a (possibly
dockable) property sheet with default and advanced properties, that
can be searched, just like the "Properties" panel.

To keep the panel from becoming really long, we could move the
properties for the "Scalar Bar" into a a separate panel. That panel
can be made accessible (besides the usual toolbar/menu) by simply
double-clicking on the scalar bar in the 3D view.


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