[Paraview-developers] Missing vtkTemporalDataSet class in ParaView 3.98.0

Sunrise helios.corona at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 16:02:49 EST 2013

Thanks for the quick reply, Leo.

I prefer to have a class that acts like a container of data frames. I 
already use the keys that you have mentioned for looping over pipeline, 
in order to do operations "on temporal data set". I mean, the 
TemporalDataSets are sending back and forth over pipeline. Having a 
class (like vtktemporalDataSet) that acts like "container" of data would 
be much easier to avoid nested loops in my case.

Do you have any suggestion for a data container class such as 
alternative to vtkTemporalDataSet class? Is deriving from 
vtkMultiTimeStepAlgorithm suitable to create such container class?

Next, I see vtkTemporalDataSet is still in vtk. Does it mean vtk (well 
not ParaView) continue to support it?

Again, Thanks.

On 01/09/2013 08:50 PM, Yuanxin Liu wrote:
> Hi,
>   This is because vtkTemporalDataSet is no longer supported.  The 
> details of the change can be seen here: 
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Remove_vtkTemporalDataSet.    In short, 
> the executives now only support updating single time steps; if a 
> filter needs to use multiple time step data, it needs to use the key 
> vtkStreamingDemandPipeline::CONTINUE_EXECUTION() to loop over those 
> time steps.
>   If your filter works only on single time steps, then the change 
> should be fairly straightforward.  Try:
>  - Inherit from vtkDataObjectAlgorithm instead of 
> vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm
>  - replace the key UPDATE_TIME_STEPS() by UPDATE_TIME_STEP()
>  - replace the key DATA_TIME_STEPS() by DATA_TIME_STEP()
>   The compiler would then hopefully guide you to resolve the rest of 
> the errors.  Let me know if you have trouble.  Also please feel free 
> to post your code.
> Leo
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Sunrise <helios.corona at gmail.com 
> <mailto:helios.corona at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello everyone,
>     I am compiling ParaView developement in order to develop a
>     ParaView plugin. Some of my classes are inherited from
>     vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm. In previous version(s) of ParaView
>     source code (i.e. <= 3.14.1) I could use
>     vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm and I everything was fine.
>     Recently I tried to use newer version of ParaView source (version
>     3.98.0) and some vtk files are missed, such as:
>     .../Filtering/vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm.cxx
>     .../Filtering/vtkTemporalDataSet.cxx
>     .../Filtering/vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm.h
>     .../Filtering/vtkTemporalDataSet.h
>     How can I use vtkTemporalDataSet* in recent ParaView?
>     Thanks.
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