[Paraview-developers] Missing vtkTemporalDataSet class in ParaView 3.98.0

Yuanxin Liu leo.liu at kitware.com
Wed Jan 9 21:50:57 EST 2013

  This is because vtkTemporalDataSet is no longer supported.  The details
of the change can be seen here:
http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Remove_vtkTemporalDataSet.    In short, the
executives now only support updating single time steps; if a filter needs
to use multiple time step data, it needs to use the key
vtkStreamingDemandPipeline::CONTINUE_EXECUTION() to loop over those time

  If your filter works only on single time steps, then the change should be
fairly straightforward.  Try:
 - Inherit from vtkDataObjectAlgorithm instead of
 - replace the key UPDATE_TIME_STEPS() by UPDATE_TIME_STEP()
 - replace the key DATA_TIME_STEPS() by DATA_TIME_STEP()

  The compiler would then hopefully guide you to resolve the rest of the
errors.  Let me know if you have trouble.  Also please feel free to post
your code.


On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Sunrise <helios.corona at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am compiling ParaView developement in order to develop a ParaView
> plugin. Some of my classes are inherited from vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm.
> In previous version(s) of ParaView source code (i.e. <= 3.14.1) I could use
> vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm and I everything was fine.
> Recently I tried to use newer version of ParaView source (version 3.98.0)
> and some vtk files are missed, such as:
> .../Filtering/**vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm.**cxx
> .../Filtering/**vtkTemporalDataSet.cxx
> .../Filtering/**vtkTemporalDataSetAlgorithm.h
> .../Filtering/**vtkTemporalDataSet.h
> How can I use vtkTemporalDataSet* in recent ParaView?
> Thanks.
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