[Paraview-developers] Annotate Global Data Filter not restoring state correctly

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Tue Feb 5 16:21:46 EST 2013

This bug has been reported here


On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Joshua Murphy <
Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working on a custom application that relies heavily on state files,
> and I have noticed a problem with the Annotate Global Data filter as it
> relates to restoring state. (using 3.98.1-RC2)
> When I create a state that uses this filter, and I place text manually
> (via drag and drop), and then save the state, when the state is restored,
> the position of the text will not be restored.
> To re-create:
>    1. create a layout
>    2. Add an Annotate global data filter
>    3. Position the text using the "use window location" checkbox, and
>    choose top middle
>    4. Turn off "use window location" move the text down slightly by hand
>    (drag and drop)
>    5. Save  the state
>    6. Clear paraview
>    7. Reload the state
>    8. The text will be in the lower left corner of the screen instead of
>    the top center
> Some notes:
>    1. Saving the state with the "use window location" seems to work fine
>    2. When moving the text by hand, the properties for the text stay
>    fixed at the lower left corner, and doesn't update when the text is moved.
> Thanks,
> Josh
> Joshua J. Murphy
> Computer Scientist
> Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
> University of Colorado, Boulder
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