[Paraview-developers] Annotate Global Data Filter not restoring state correctly

Joshua Murphy Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu
Tue Feb 5 16:10:03 EST 2013


I am working on a custom application that relies heavily on state files, and I have noticed a problem with the Annotate Global Data filter as it relates to restoring state. (using 3.98.1-RC2)

When I create a state that uses this filter, and I place text manually (via drag and drop), and then save the state, when the state is restored, the position of the text will not be restored.

To re-create:

 1.  create a layout
 2.  Add an Annotate global data filter
 3.  Position the text using the "use window location" checkbox, and choose top middle
 4.  Turn off "use window location" move the text down slightly by hand (drag and drop)
 5.  Save  the state
 6.  Clear paraview
 7.  Reload the state
 8.  The text will be in the lower left corner of the screen instead of the top center

Some notes:

 1.  Saving the state with the "use window location" seems to work fine
 2.  When moving the text by hand, the properties for the text stay fixed at the lower left corner, and doesn't update when the text is moved.


Joshua J. Murphy
Computer Scientist
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
University of Colorado, Boulder

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