[Paraview-developers] Warning on ParaViewReaders

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Mon Dec 9 11:45:31 EST 2013

Hi Gerald,

See http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Plugin_HowTo#Adding_a_Reader to
see what needs to be changed for ParaView 4.1 and later for reader plugins
to get rid of this warning. The main change is that the reader plugin
doesn't need to be loaded on the client any more when running with a remote
server. The 2 main changes is that the server XML needs to provide the
hints section to specify file extensions and the GUI_RESOURCE_FILES should
be removed from the CMake code.


On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Lodron, Gerald <Gerald.Lodron at joanneum.at>wrote:

> Hi
> I compiled the Example „Clone2” but on start up I get a warning in the
> console:
> Generic Warning: In
> D:\Develop\Source\ParaView-v4.1.0-RC1-source\Qt\Core\pqApplicationCore.cxx,
> line 761
> Writers have been changed such that the GUI definition is not needed. This
> should now be specified in the Hints section of the XML definition.
> When I look at the pqApplicationCore:
>   else if(strcmp(root->GetName(), "ParaViewWriters") == 0)
>     {
>     vtkGenericWarningMacro("Writers have been changed such that the GUI
> definition is not needed."
>                            << " This should now be specified in the Hints
> section of the XML definition.");
>     }
> So in the example there is a file ParaViewWriters.xml which has a root
> called ParaViewWriters. Has this changed? Whats the actual way of defining
> writers in PV4.1?
> Thanks for help,
> Gerald
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