[Paraview-developers] Keep a QList<vtkDataObject*> mapping to the pipelne browser

Joe Ping-Lin Hsiao phsiao at cs.unc.edu
Mon Feb 6 16:01:57 EST 2012


I have a working representation plugin, which reads stacks of images
and apply vtkContourFilter automatically.
The .h file looks like this:

class VTK_EXPORT vtkSMIsosurfaceRepresentation : public vtkPVDataRepresentation
  static vtkSMIsosurfaceRepresentation* New();
  vtkTypeMacro(vtkSMIsosurfaceRepresentation, vtkPVDataRepresentation);
  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);

I want to maintain a QList<vtkDataObject*> in the plugin, which is a
mapping of loaded data sets in the pipeline browser. The purpose is
for users to be able to color an isosurface with another data set. I
plan to use vtkProbeFilter to achieve that later.

What I am working on is to receive the
"sourceCreated(pqPipelineSource*)" signal from
pqApplicationCore::instance()->getObjectBuilder() in my plugin. I
tried to inherit the class from both vtkPVDataRepresentation and
QObject, but it gives my compile errors of ambiguous constructor. I
wonder is it possible to inherit the plugin from both
vtkPVDataRepresentation and Qt? And is there any better way to create
such a QList that I want? I thought of creating another plugin
inherited from Qt only and whose function is merely creating and
keeping track of the list. But that will lead to accessing shared data
between plugins, which will be another unknown issue to me.


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