[Paraview-developers] NIFTI plugin no longer compiled in binary release?

Philip A Cook cookpa at mail.med.upenn.edu
Mon Apr 9 18:11:40 EDT 2012


Thanks for looking into this. I don't see the plugin under either name.


On Apr 9, 2012, at 3:20 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

>> I didn't do anything special to build or not build it, so it must not have
>> been on by default.
> The it should have been built by default.
> Philip, the plugin was renamed (AnalyzeNIfTIIO). Are you looking for
> the right plugin (I don't have my Mac here so cannot test it quickly).
> Utkarsh
> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 2:09 PM, David E DeMarle
> <dave.demarle at kitware.com> wrote:
> I will see about building it externally like the
>> vistrails plugin and put that on the download site.
>> On Apr 9, 2012 1:50 PM, "Utkarsh Ayachit" <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>
>> wrote:
>>> It's definitely included in the Linux binaries. Dave, did we not
>>> include it in the Mac version?
>>> Utkarsh
>>> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Philip A Cook <cookpa at mail.med.upenn.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The Analyze / NIFTI plugin no longer appears in the list of available
>>>> plugins since 3.14, at least on the Mac. Is there any way this could be
>>>> added back in? I build from source but several local users depend on the
>>>> binary distribution. We all use NIFTI to store brain images that we load
>>>> into Paraview.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Phil
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