[Paraview-developers] Upcoming changes to ParaView Server Manager

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Thu Apr 21 08:17:14 EDT 2011

I have some customized properties
vtkSMCommandProperty (subclass of vtkIntVectorProperty)
vtkSMDataExportProperty (subclass of vtkStringVectorProperty)

which now need accompanying

I'm not sure what goes in the vtkSIXXXProperty classes. Do I need to move the xml stuff from SM to SI or anything?
I have read http://paraview.org/ParaView3/images/2/24/ParaViewCollaborationChanges.pdf
but am a little unsure of where my code should go.

I will of course pick it up by trial and error, but if there are any things I ought to know. Please let me know.
(we're taking known unknowns here, as opposed to unknown unknowns)



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