[Paraview-developers] Writing ParaView brands using ParaQ (Client Server Plugins)

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Nov 10 09:33:11 EST 2010

> - I want to offer a unique plugin that provides both the filter and
> the interface (toolbars, menus, docks) to manipulate it in the context
> of the new application. How can I combine those plugins into a single
> one?

You can combine multiple plugins into a single ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN
call. Just make sure that the inferface and other files are passed in
correctly if you use ADD_PARAVIEW_OBJECT_PANEL and similar other
macros to create plugins of different types.

> - Should I use the ParaView plugin system? or should I use the Qt's one?

You will have to use the ParaView plugin system if you are adding
filters or any of the standard types of GUI plugins. You can use Qt
style plugins for Qt widgets etc. but then you'll have to place the
code in your application to load the plugin and use the components
provided by the plugin explicitly. ParaView will not know what to do
with it at all.

> - I also read this thread http://markmail.org/message/5f2yzi755ya4juxb
> about client and server side plugins, which states that it is better
> to create the same plugin to be loaded in both client and server. In
> my case, I have two paraview builds, one compiled without OpenGl, Qt
> and X support for the server, and the other one with support for them.
> Which paraview path should I choose to compile my plugin? If I want to
> combine both, my common sense tells me to use the one with graphical
> support, but is this ok for the server side??

Guess there's a little misunderstand about this. You still should
create a single plugin in the source, but in your case, you will have
to compile the plugin twice with two different ParaView's one built
with Qt, OpenGL etc. and another without them.

> Finally, a bit off-topic, is there some way to search inside this
> mailing list? I found very useful the markmail search engine with the
> paraview user mailing list, but I can't figure out how to search in
> this mailing list...

Hmm, I could have sworn there was a way, but now I can't find it.
Maybe someone else knows.


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