[Paraview-developers] xdmf and attribute type tensor6

Jacob Hochhalter Jacob.D.Hochhalter at nasa.gov
Mon Oct 26 17:16:04 EDT 2009


According to Xdmf.dtd and XdmfAttribute.h, there is support for a
symmetric tensor as 'Tensor6.'  However, I built a test .xmf earlier and
got an attribute type error with 'Type=Tensor6.'  Looking further I
found that 'Components' for 'XDMF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_TENSOR' is always set
to 9 in 'vtkXdmfReader.cxx.'

Is there an existing way to load only the necessary data for symmetric
tensors into PV using XDMF? Or, can it be added?  My apologies if this
has been posted previously; I wasn't able to find any info after an hour
of googling.

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