[Paraview-developers] [ParaView3-Developer] ParaView-Developers email address

Kerr, Robert rakerr at sandia.gov
Thu Oct 1 17:25:13 EDT 2009

Thanks Utkarsh!


Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and good with ketchup.
*      Robert Kerr, Member of the Cubit Mesh Generation Team         *
*      rakerr at sandia.gov          |    PO Box 5800,  MS 0376         *
*      Phone: (505) 844-8606      |    Sandia National Labs          *
*      Fax: (505) 284-0140        |  Albuquerque, NM 87185-0376      *

From: Utkarsh Ayachit [utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:12 PM
To: Shepherd, Jason F; paraview-developers at paraview.org
Cc: Kerr, Robert
Subject: Re: [ParaView3-Developer] ParaView-Developers email address

We've decided to migrate to paraview-developers at paraview.org (instead
of paraview3-developer at paraview.org).
Please continue new conversation on this publicly accessible list.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Shepherd, Jason F <jfsheph at sandia.gov> wrote:
> Here's what I have...
> ParaView3-Developer at paraview.org...
> Just one of many possible permutations...
> Jason
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kerr, Robert
>> Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 10:53 AM
>> To: Shepherd, Jason F
>> Subject: ParaView-Developers email address
>> Hey Jason,
>> What's the email address to send a message to the
>> ParaView-Developers list?  I'm on travel and having a bear of
>> a time trying to figure it out.  Of course, once you tell me
>> I'm gonna feel stupid.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> -bob
>> Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy,
>> and good with ketchup.
>> **********************************************************************
>> *      Robert Kerr, Member of the Cubit Mesh Generation Team         *
>> *      rakerr at sandia.gov          |    PO Box 5800,  MS 0376         *
>> *      Phone: (505) 844-8606      |    Sandia National Labs          *
>> *      Fax: (505) 284-0140        |  Albuquerque, NM 87185-0376      *
>> **********************************************************************
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