[Paraview-developers] PV3 : Combo with point scalars

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Thu Mar 1 09:10:44 EST 2007

Hi John,

Are you trying to do this through the server manager XML files? If so, 
take a look at the InputProperty and StringVectorProperty for the 
SurfaceVectors source proxy (shown below). This filter only operates on 
point arrays, but you could change the XML to make it only work for cell 
arrays. The InputArrayDomain in the InputProperty requires that the 
input dataset have point arrays (in this case, point vectors). Then the 
ArrayListDomain in the StringVectorProperty points back to the 

- Amy

           <InputArrayDomain name="input_array" attribute_type="point"

         element_types="0 0 0 0 2"
            <ArrayListDomain name="array_list" attribute_type="Vectors">
                 <Property name="Input" function="Input"/>
              Select the input vector array to process.

John Biddiscombe wrote:
> Very quiet on this list, either that or I'm not receiving anything.
> I'd like a combo box which will display point-scalars (or vectors), 
> but not cell-scalars.
> Does such a thing already exist? The colour selection combo in pv3 
> shows both, is there an easy way of filtering the cell-scalars out?
> thanks
> JB

Amy Squillacote
Kitware, Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Phone: (518) 371-3971 x106

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