[Paraview-developers] Re: [vtk-developers] Removed windows.h from VTK headers.

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Fri Dec 17 09:59:46 EST 2004

Sebastien BARRE wrote:
> At 12/17/2004 08:20 AM, Brad King wrote:
>> Again, to put this in perspective it took me less than an hour to fix 
>> ALL of ParaView, which is one of the largest VTK applications ever 
>> created.
> I think what John and some others might be more concerned of, is not the 
> time it requires to *hack* the code (it's not a "fix"), but the outcome 
> of it, it definitely decreases the quality and readability of the code 
> in that specific class, introduces system specific construct, etc.

Yes but it makes the code work regardless of what the caller does with 
windows.h and UNICODE.  Besides, the changes are limited to methods that 
already exist with mangled names.  We can add a header test to avoid 
accidentally adding any new methods that have this problem.

> I think Bill Hoffman had another solution for compilation speed-up that 
> would not require changes in the application code, but I'm not sure I 
> can sum it up. Bill ?

It was the same solution that John B. just specified about VTK mangling 
symbols in place of windows.h.  We are not going to use that solution.


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