[Paraview-developers] Re: [vtk-developers] Removed windows.h from VTK headers.

Sebastien BARRE sebastien.barre at kitware.com
Fri Dec 17 09:51:17 EST 2004

At 12/17/2004 08:20 AM, Brad King wrote:

>Again, to put this in perspective it took me less than an hour to fix ALL 
>of ParaView, which is one of the largest VTK applications ever created.

I think what John and some others might be more concerned of, is not the 
time it requires to *hack* the code (it's not a "fix"), but the outcome of 
it, it definitely decreases the quality and readability of the code in that 
specific class, introduces system specific construct, etc.
I think Bill Hoffman had another solution for compilation speed-up that 
would not require changes in the application code, but I'm not sure I can 
sum it up. Bill ?

Sebastien Barre

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