[Paraview-developers] client-server errors

Wylie, Brian bnwylie at sandia.gov
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 09:55:41 -0700

ParaView gives the following error when run in client/server...

CVS nightlies of VTK and Paraview at of about 5 minutes ago

Process 12 Could not find RMI with tag 938531
Process id: 11 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 11 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 14 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 14 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 13 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 13 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 15 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 15 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 16 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 16 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 17 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 17 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 18 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 18 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 19 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 19 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 20 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 20 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

Process id: 21 >> ERROR: In
xx, line 390
vtkMPIController (c418da0): Process 21 Could not find RMI with tag 938531

	Brian Wylie
	Sandia National Laboratories
	MS 0822 - Org 9227 - Building 880/A1-J
     (505) 844-2238   FAX (505) 845-0833