[Paraview-developers] filter default values and class constructor disconnect

Berk Geveci berklist at nycap.rr.com
17 Dec 2003 10:16:09 -0500

I noticed this too. I am trying to setup some new dashboards
before I start assigning/fixing bugs. Can you put a bug report please?


On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 09:34, Wylie, Brian wrote:
> All,
> It appears that the default values that are set in the xml descriptions
> don't actually get 'synced' with the class.
> For example the tube filter now has 6 sides as the default (see below), the
> constructor for vtkTubeFilter sets number of sides to 3. The variable is
> totally disconnected.... until you move the slider and hit accept. So the
> default value in the xml description is not getting communicated to the
> class until a change is made... obviously this is not good.
> <Module name="TubeFilter" menu_name="Tube" root_name="Tuber"
> module_type="Filter" long_help="Convert lines into tubes.  Normals are used
> to avoid cracks between tube segments." short_help="Convert lines into
> tubes.">
>   <Filter class="vtkTubeFilter">
>     <Input name="Input" class="vtkPolyData"/>
>   </Filter>
>   <InputMenu trace_name="Input" id="im" label="Input" help="Set the input to
> this filter." input_name="Input"/>
>   <Scale label="Num. sides" variable="NumberOfSides"
> trace_name="NumberOfSides" help="Set the number of sides for the tube"
> default_value="6" resolution="1" range="1 100"/>
>   <LabeledToggle variable="Capping" trace_name="Capping" help="Select
> whether to draw endcaps on the tube" default_value="0"/>
>   <ScaleFactorEntry variable="Radius" input_menu="im" trace_name="Radius"
> type="float" scale_factor="0.01" help="Set the radius of the tube" />
>   <SelectionList label="Vary radius" trace_name="VaryRadius"
> variable="VaryRadius" help="Select whether/how to vary the radius of the
> tube" default_value="0">
>     <Item name="Off" value="0"/>
>     <Item name="ByScalar" value="1"/>
>     <Item name="ByVector" value="2"/>
>   </SelectionList>
> <!-- RadiusFactor value chosen does not change processing speed of this
> filter or cause it to crash. -->
>   <VectorEntry label="Radius factor" trace_name="RadiusFactor"
> variable="RadiusFactor" type="float" help="Set the maximum tube radius in
> terms of a multiple of the minimum radius" default_value="10"/>
> </Module>
> 	Brian Wylie
> 	Sandia National Laboratories
> 	MS 0822 - Org 9227 - Building 880/A1-J
>      (505) 844-2238   FAX (505) 845-0833
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Berk Geveci <berklist at nycap.rr.com>