[Insight-users] ITKBsplineSyN learning rate

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Jan 23 09:06:45 EST 2014

Hi Ema

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Emma Saunders
<emmasaunders123 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Can anyone clarify the method to set the learning rate for ITKBsplineSYN
> registration

Looking at lines 417-424 of itkSyNImageRegistrationMethod.hxx
might be helpful.


They are:

417   RealType scale = this->m_LearningRate / maxNorm;
419   typedef Image<RealType, ImageDimension> RealImageType;
421   typedef MultiplyImageFilter<DisplacementFieldType, RealImageType,
DisplacementFieldType> MultiplierType;
422   typename MultiplierType::Pointer multiplier = MultiplierType::New();
423   multiplier->SetInput( updateField );
424   multiplier->SetConstant( scale );

That is, in here the displacement field is normalized, to 1.0 vector length,
and scaled to the value of the m_LearningRate.

So, the LearningRate value is indeed the maximum "step" length, in physical
(e.g. millimeters), that the deformation field will have.

One way to approach the calibration is to set the Learning Rate to half the
of a pixel. You can do this by using your knowledge of the pixel spacing in
the image.

In this way, you would set up the registration method to move less than one
at every iteration. This is a smooth way to move, but it may also result in
a larger
number of iterations. That's a trade-off that you may have to evaluate in
the context
of your application.

This criteria of "moving less than one pixel per iteration" is similarly
applied in the
front propagation of Level Sets.

So, if your image has pixel spacing of 3mm,

then a good learning rate to start experimenting with,
could be

                                       3mm / 2.0  =  1.5


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