[Insight-users] Very Basic Questions

Abayiz abayiz at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 08:42:41 EDT 2011

Thank you very much :) 

From: Dženan Zukić <dzenanz at gmail.com>
To: Abayiz <abayiz at yahoo.com>
Cc: itk <insight-users at itk.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Very Basic Questions

Reader output is a pointer to in-memory container for pixels (metadata info and pointer to array with actual pixel values, called pixel intensities). This container is a class called itk::Image.

To do something with all pixels in an image you can use iterators, there are many examples about it. There is a filter which applies a defined mathematical operation to all pixels in an image, called UnaryFunctorImageFilter. See this example.

The normal way to store some computed image values is in an instance of itk::Image class.


On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 17:13, Abayiz <abayiz at yahoo.com> wrote:

I know these questions are too much basic, but being a fresh, I have to make sure I understand them correctly at the early step, so here they are:
>1. If I use itk to read a file, does that mean the reader output port gives me the pixel values of the image? or intensity values of pixels? 
>2. If I want to implement a kind of mathematical equation with itk, how do I perform the same computation for each pixel of the whole image? (I mean like a loop) 
>3. And, how can I store the computed values for the whole pixels for later use? (like making a kind of container to load each and every computation result for pixels, and use that container as the final result?) 
>Since I am really fresh to implement mathematical equations in itk, these basic questions are crucial to me. Hope you won't be bothered with them. 
>Waiting for helpful answers. Thanks in advance. 
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