[Insight-users] finding emty spaces in a volume

anna han wan anna.han.wan at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 04:42:22 EDT 2011

Thank you Dominique,
I have already worked with itk connected component in another problem but
the results I obtained are not very encouraging. But yep, it still an
option to explore again.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 7:20 PM, <dominique at toepfer-web.de> wrote:

> Hi Anna,
> assuming you're working with binary images, you could invert the image and
> remove the largest component (using ConnectedComponentImageFilter and
> RelabelComponentImageFilter). This will be the background of the image, if
> it is connected and large enough. The other objects in the image will then
> correspond to the empty spaces you are trying to find.
> Note, that the holes must not be conntected with the background for this
> method to work.
> Dominique
> Hi,
> I would like to find the empty spaces in my volume but I don't know if
> there is any itk filter that I can use for this purpose.
> Does any one know how can I do that?
> Thank you
> Thanks
> Anna
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