[Insight-users] Input parameters

Syrine Sahmim syrine.sahmim at yahoo.fr
Mon Aug 3 06:31:23 EDT 2009

I still fail the running of the examples of itk.
I have a serie of dicom images how can i gives it as input parameter to test the code on my own serie od images.
If some one have his own example of filtering or segmenting to compare them with the itk examples.


De : David Doria <daviddoria+itk at gmail.com>
Cc : insight-users at itk.org
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 31 Juillet 2009, 14h06mn 53s
Objet : Re: [Insight-users] Re :  trying examples

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Syrine Sahmim <syrine.sahmim at yahoo.fr> wrote:

>I tried the region growing example and the discrete gaussian filter examples.for the first one i don't have the.exe file and for the second when i debogue it i obtain the message "inputImageFile  outputImageFile  variance  maxKernelWidth" given in the code.
>>No image filtred!!
>so how can i do to have a correct result?
>i just take the example and configure it with cmake , build it and then run it? is there other steps that i must do?

When you see the message "inputImageFile  outputImageFile  variance  maxKernelWidth", that is telling you the required arguments.

You should see a good set of test parameters in the example cxx, in this case:
//    INPUTS: {BrainProtonDensitySlice.png}
//    OUTPUTS: {DiscreteGaussianImageFilterOutput.png}
//    4 9

(although in this case I think 4 and 9 are supposed to be the variance and maxKernelWidth params even though they show up after the output instead of in the input??)

I searched for "region" and "grow" and didn't see a region growing example - maybe you can give the actual name of the example you are looking for?



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