[Insight-users] Dicom Tag(0020,0037) (Alireza Salamy)

Antoine Leimgruber antoine.leimgruber at sokal.ch
Thu Jun 7 12:00:26 EDT 2007

Hi Alireza,

have a look at paragraph C page 301-2 of dicom standard 07_03pu.pdf.
You can find it on http://medical.nema.org/dicom/2007/

First 3 figures are for the first row direction (eg "i") and next 3 are for the first column (eg "j") .
The "k" direction should be computed by the cross product of the 2 first vectors (right-handed frame), but be aware that you should check the origin tag of 2 consecutive slices to make sure of it. Some modalities output the slice in reverse order and you might end up making errors for example for co-registering multimodality images because one coordinate system might behave as "left-handed" while you expect it to be "right-handed".

This is my understanding of the 0020,0037.
Please correct me if I am any wrong



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