[Insight-users] gdcmDict error when adding ITKIO to target libraries

Christina Rossmanith ChrRossmanith at gmx.de
Wed Sep 13 09:27:23 EDT 2006


is anybody else getting the following error message when calling an application which is linked against ITKIO?

Error: In /home/cr/Software/ITK/InsightToolkit-2.8.1/Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDict.cxx, line 147, function bool gdcm::Dict::AddEntry(const gdcm::DictEntry&)
Already present:0041|1050
Error: In /home/cr/Software/ITK/InsightToolkit-2.8.1/Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDict.cxx, line 147, function bool gdcm::Dict::AddEntry(const gdcm::DictEntry&)
Already present:0040|a992

My test program just consist of these few lines and does (not yet) call any DICOM related stuff...

#include <iostream>

int main ()

Thank you
Christina Rossmanith
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