[Insight-users] Level Set Methods: How to work without narrow band?

Valérie Duay valerie.duay at epfl.ch
Tue Feb 21 09:19:32 EST 2006


In my level set-based application, I need to compute the speed term on 
the whole image and not only on a narrow band around the moving surface. 
In your opinion, what would be the best way to do that?

If I change the number of layers with SetNumberOFLayers, the program 
crashes when I put a too high value (I think a value that creates a 
narrowband that goes outside the image). And if I change the number of 
layers to a reasonable value, I notice that my filter still processes 
the same number of pixels in the ComputeUpdate of my level set method as 
with the default value. Why?

I also try to work without using SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter to avoid 
the narrow band. So I try to apply the meancurvatureterm function 
directly on the level set function I get with 
ReinitializeLevelSetImageFilter. Unfortunately, the evolution of the 
curve doesn’t work very well. It is really not smooth. Is this possible 
that this is due to the fact that SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter include 
a process to recompute more accurately the position of the zero level 
set and I don’t use that?

Thanks in advance for your help,


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