[Insight-users] ImageRegistration2 problem.

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue May 17 20:25:32 EDT 2005

Hi John,

Cygwin used has a problem for running the random number
generator that is used by the Mutual Information metric.

This has been fixed now.

The example:


is tested nightly


and it is consistently passing in all platforms.

The typical output that you should see is in Cygwing is:


number of samples = 567
0   0.291543   [0.105135, 0.090224]
1   0.260628   [0.161649, 0.157256]
2   0.270509   [0.320506, 0.209221]
3   0.316618   [0.422436, 0.283459]


198   0.607511   [12.9989, 16.8214]
199   0.603641   [13.0552, 16.9111]
Result =
  Translation X = 13.0552
  Translation Y = 16.9111
  Iterations    = 200
  Metric value  = 0.603641

You should probably update your version
of ITK in order to  use CVS.



Woo, John wrote:

> Hi, I'm a new user to ITK.
> I have succeeded in running ImageRegistration1 and ImageRegistration3 
> with their respective Example data.
> However, I cannot seem to run ImageRegistration2 (MI Registration) 
> correctly with BrainT1SliceBorder20.png and 
> BrainProtonDensitySliceShifted13x17y.png.
> It seems to compile ok.  However, when running, it seems to give a 
> Result of
> Result =
>  Translation X = 0
>  Translation Y = 0
>  Iterations    = 200
>  Metric value  = 2.5398e-06.
> It seems that all 200 iterations have values of
>  2.5398e-06    [0, 0]
> Am I doing something incorrectly?  I am running ITK on Cygwin on a 
> Windows platform.
> - John.
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