[Insight-users] Minor bug in new OtsuMultipleThresholdsCalculator?

lucantiga at softhome.net lucantiga at softhome.net
Fri, 5 Mar 2004 09:37:32 +0100 (CET)

Hi Zach,
 I agree that there should be more consistency as to types. I think that 
the following modifications should be done:

in itkOtsuMultipleThresholdsCalculator.h

typedef double MeanType;
typedef std::vector<MeanType> MeanVectorType;

  bool IncrementThresholds(InstanceIdentifierVectorType& thresholdIds, 
MeanType totalMean, MeanVectorType& classMean, FrequencyVectorType& 

and the necessary casts and declarations in 

I think that keeping MeanType double is necessary. Any thoughts?

Since the patch for a bug I found a couple of days ago hasn't been 
applied yet, I could correct everything and post it here, and then you 
could take a final look at the modified versions.

Let me know


Luca Antiga, PhD
Biomedical Technologies Laboratory
Bioengineering Department, 
Mario Negri Institute
Villa Camozzi, 24020, Ranica (BG), Italy
phone: +39 035 4535-381
email: antiga at marionegri.it
web:   http://villacamozzi.marionegri.it/~luca