[Insight-users] Inheriting from Java-wrapped classes

Pablo D. Burstein pablob at grasp.cis.upenn.edu
Tue, 02 Mar 2004 16:38:09 -0500


I am trying to create an Observer by inheriting from class itkCommand, 
but I am running into some problems. For instance, how should I define 
the constructor of  my new class? In general, and related to this, is 
the issue of what is the difference between classes defined as T and its 
corresponding T_Pointer, their related T_New() method and their 
protected constructor, when inheriting from wrapped classes. Would you 
have any useful example handy (other than the canny filter, I mean).


Luis Ibanez wrote:

> Hi Alejandro,
> It is a common mistake to use images of pixel type
> "unsigned short", save them as PNG files, and try
> to look at them using standard viewers.  Most
> viewers will not normalize the intensity range and
> the resulting images will "look" black when they
> have intensity values in the range of 8bits because
> they get scaled to 16bits.
> I wonder if you are running into this usual misleading
> case. Please try using the reader/writer for UC2 (unsigned
> char 2D), or using a viewer such as the ImageViewer
> in InsightApplications which renormalize intensities, and
> let us know if that works better for you.
> You are right on the issue of importing/exporting data.
> When the wrapping was designed, the main focus was put
> on using Python/Tcl/Java for prototyping and education,
> not really for writing real applications.  It should be
> possible though to add the Import/Export filters to the
> wrapping. That will probably makes more sense defined in
> a language-by-language basis.
> So, here is your lucky day:
>                            Please suggest what would you
> consider to be the ideal connection between an ITK image
> and a Java class. I would guess that rather than giving
> you access to the pointer of the pixel data, we could go
> one step further and provide a connection to an actual
> "Image" class in Java. Maybe something like the the
> javax.media.jai.CollectionImage or the
> javax.media.jai.PlanarImage.  Are you dealing with 3D
> datasets ? or only with 2D images ?
> Please let us know,
> Thanks
>   Luis
> --------------------------------
> Alejandro Canales Ochoa wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> This weekend I was trying to integrate ITK in my java application. 
>> The result is not very promising as I expected. The wrapper shows an 
>> inconsistent behavior, at least from the point of view of the Insight 
>> user’s guide; I was unable to complete some very basic examples. For 
>> example, I try the Read-Write example and do not work at all. Here is 
>> my java code:
>> itkImageFileReaderUS2_Pointer reader = 
>> itkImageFileReaderUS2.itkImageFileReaderUS2_New();
>> itkImageFileWriterUS2_Pointer writer = 
>> itkImageFileWriterUS2.itkImageFileWriterUS2_New();
>> reader.SetFileName(args[0]);
>> writer.SetFileName(args[1]);
>> writer.SetInput(reader.GetOutput());
>> writer.Update();
>> The output image is the same width and height as the original but is 
>> all black. After several trials I can get an image only if I use a 
>> filter (BinaryThreshold or CannyEdgeDetection for example) followed 
>> by the IntensityRescalerFilter.
>> Another thing that is a mystery for me is how to import/export an 
>> image in/from the wrappers. As you can guess I *really* need to 
>> access pixel data (at least for displaying, not using VTK) and for 
>> feed the ITK filter from data that comes from my application. The ITK 
>> user’s guide shows the use of ImportImageFilter for importing the 
>> data, but this filter is missing (at least in my build). For 
>> accessing the pixel data the guide tells me that I need to use 
>> iterators, and shows how to create one, but the class 
>> itkImageRegionConstIterator is not present too. Either I don’t know 
>> how to make an instance of itkImageXX_Pointer from 
>> SWIGTYPE_p_itk__ImageTXXX_X_t, which is the type of the output in the 
>> filters, this for accessing via getPixel() method.
>> As you can see I am in a deep trouble because I can not make a 
>> substantial advance in my duty.
>> I hope someone can help me because, I am lost in those issues.
>> Regards and thanks in advance.
>> Alejandro Canales
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Pablo D. Burstein, PhD.
Department of Radiology
University of Pennsylvania

Science Center
3600 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Suite 370
Work: 215-662-4250
Mobile: 215-681-8811

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