[Insight-users] ConfidenceConnectedImageFilter question

Jacob Boomgaarden boomgaar at arsc.edu
Fri Jul 30 17:17:46 EDT 2004

Hello All,

I am working with a simple segmentation problem of extracting the lungs from a CT
image file. So far I have been using one of the region growing algorithms to define
the segmented area (ConfidenceConnectedImageFilter) but am curious about a question
that arose.

Q) To extract both the left and right lung segments, the region growing algorithm
must overcome other anatomical structures. What is the best method for doing this? I
am under the impression that the ConfidenceConnectedImageFilter does not allow for
multiple seeds to be issued, so what other ideas can you throw at me to try!

Thanks for the help,

Jacob Boomgaarden
ARSC Intern
West Ridge Research Building, Room 011
Phone:  (907)-455-3350
Office: (907)-450-8701
Email: boomgaar at arsc.edu

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