[Insight-users] Transform the contour from image to chaincode

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Jul 22 11:11:49 EDT 2004

Hi Jiang,

Please do the following:

1) Identify the pixel were your algorithm is
    stopping prematurely

2) Go to the same index in the original image,
    where you have the contour in 0 and 100 values.
    (e.g. the image as it is before you set any
     of the contour points to zero).

3) Take a 7x7 neighbor centered on this pixel
    and post all the values of this neighbor
    (arranged in a matrix) to the users-list.



Jiang wrote:

> Hi, all,
> By some filters of itk, I get one closed contour as one image. This 
> image is one binary image that
> the pixel value is 100 when is pixel is in the contour, otherwise it is 0.
> Now I want to convert this contour to ChainCode. My pseudocode is as follow:
>   Search the image from the first pixel to find the first point in the 
> contour;
>   Add this point to ChainCode list, and set its value to 0;
>   Search the immediate neighbors of of this point to check if it is on 
> contour;
>          If this point’s value==100;
>          {        Add it to ChainCode, and set its value to 0;
>                    Loop searching
>          }
>          else
>                    Stop searching;
>                    Finish the ChainCode;
> // The order of checking neighbors. Assume the current points is at “0”.
> //    ------------------------    
> //   |  5  |  3  |  8  |
> //   |-------------------------|
> //   |  1  |  0  |  2  |
> //   |-------------------------|
> //   |  7  |  4  |  6  |
> //    -----------------------
> This searching method works, but not always. Sometime, it stops at 
> somewhere, but the contour is
> not completed. And the stopped point is not different as other found 
> points. I even enlarge the
> neighbourhood to a bigger circle. But it is still not stable.
> Maybe my question is beyond the range of this itk maillist. I’m really 
> upset with this problem.
> Who can give me some suggestions?
> Thanks a lot!
> Jiang
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