[Insight-users] Cannot compile itk 1.6 from CVS repository on Windows XP VC++ 6.0

Heidemarie Karpat karpat at ma.tum.de
Tue Jul 20 09:11:36 EDT 2004

Cannot compile itk 1.6 from CVS repository (checked out at 19.07.2004) 
on Windows XP VC++ 6.0

Dear all,

I am a newby to itk and have a problem to build itk.

My steps were:
1. Download of itk 1.6 release  => build ok
2. Download of itk-applications => got link errors due to itkpng <-> 
vtkpng mangling
3. In the itk-users-list I found an entry saying: no workaround 
available, get the cvs version 

4. Fetched cvs version 1.6 and here we are:
On building itkvnl (Win32 Debug) the following error appears:
--------------------Konfiguration: itkvnl - Win32 Debug--------------------
Kompilierung läuft...
: error C2065: 'finitel' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner

(It says: finitel is not declared)

I was wondering if anybody else experienced this kind of problem (found 
nothing appropriate in the user-list).
Since the most problems arise due to a misconfigured Cmake 
configuration, I append the file 'CMakeCache.txt' Cmake generated to 
this post.

Could you please help me out? (Sorry, if this is a well known or even 
trivial issue, but I didn't find any hints anywhere.)

Thank's a lot,

-----> snip, snip -----------------------------> snip, snip 
File CMakeCache.txt

# This is the CMakeCache file.
# For build in directory: x:/01_GraphicLibs/itk/CVS/Insight_VC++
# You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
# If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
# If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
# The syntax for the file is as follows:
# KEY is the name of a variable in the cache.
# TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
# VALUE is the current value for the KEY.

# EXTERNAL cache entries

//Name of build on the dashboard

//Build source documentation using doxygen

//Build the Examples directory.

//Build ITK with shared libraries.

//Build the testing tree.

 Dipl.Inform. Heidemarie Karpat       Tel.: +49-89-289-18279
 Zentrum Mathematik                  email: karpat at ma.tum.de
 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
 Boltzmannstr. 3
 D-85747 Garching

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