[Insight-users] Image similarity

George Iordanescu giordanescu at cmr.nunet.net
Mon Jul 12 19:58:14 EDT 2004

Hello everybody,

I would like to compute a number that describes the similarity degree
between two images. I am thinking about a simple class that should have
two methods SetImage1/2 and then ComputeSimilarity().

I was hoping a child of ImageToImageMetric would do, but it seems to
need more inputs than just two images. Apparently, after setting the
images (and the Interpolator and the (identity) transform),  I cannot
call GetValue without passing some parameters that make little sense in
the context of just two images. Is there any other class (filter) that
will compute the similarity between two images? Is there any example
about how to use a ImageToImageMetric for such a purpose?

Such a class could be very useful when trying to find the best set of
registration parameters. One could register an image using multiple sets
of parameters and then we could select the best set by looking at the
similarity between the registered image and the fixed image.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.


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