[Insight-users] Dicom Series Reader Image spacing information

Fri Aug 6 04:15:33 EDT 2004

Hello Raghu,

----- Mensaje Original -----
De: "raghu venkatram" <raghu_420 at hotmail.com>
Fecha: Jueves, Agosto 5, 2004 8:44 pm
Asunto: [Insight-users] Dicom Series Reader Image spacing information

> Hi Luis,
> I am using the dicomseriesreader to read in 2 volumes MR and CT 
> and perform 
> registration.
> I can read them in fine,
> I am not sure if this was a bug and has been fixed.
> for both MR and CT it reads in the inplane pixel spacing right
> but for the through plane, it reads in 1mm instead of 2mm as in 
> the dicom 
> header
> I did open up the dicom headers and checked the slice thickness 
> tag which is 
> 2mm for both MR and CT.
> Also MRICro when it converts the volumes from dicom to analyze 
> preserves the 
> right pixel spacing information in the analyze headers

Something similar happened to me with a CT DICOM series, and 
after some headaches I found out that the "through plane 
distance" was correctly set by ITK. Check the Slice Location 
tag of the DICOM files. The difference between the location of
two consecutive slices should be your final distance between 
planes---at least this is what happens with my files.

Hope it helps,


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