[Insight-users] about the itk::fem(post again)

Yixun Liu yxliu at fudan.edu.cn
Fri Aug 6 03:54:37 EDT 2004


I post the problem abou itk::fem several times, but no any reply. I need your help very much and any reply will be appreciated!

1. may be a bug in the itk::fem::applyBC

The extracted code from the code\numerics\fem\femsolver.cxx is shown below:

  // Step over each nonzero matrix element in a row
  for(LinearSystemWrapper::ColumnArray::iterator c=cols.begin(); c!=cols.end(); c++)
    // Get value from the stiffness matrix
    Float d=this->m_ls->GetMatrixValue(fdof, *c, matrix);

    // Store the appropriate value in bc correction vector (-K12*u2)
    // See http://titan.colorado.edu/courses.d/IFEM.d/IFEM.Ch04.d/IFEM.Ch04.pdf
    // chapter 4.1.3 (Matrix Forms of DBC Application Methods) for more info.

the method which itk use to apply BC is in the http://titan.colorado.edu/courses.d/IFEM.d/IFEM.Ch04.d/IFEM.Ch04.pdf 
However, the code in the Bold format may be wrong. It should be :
Float d=this->m_ls->GetMatrixValue(*c,fdof,  matrix);

I need your affirmation!

2. I fix some DOFs with specific values when applying the BC, however, the solution of the linear system is different at DOF which I fix with the specific value. 

Thank you in advance!


Yixun Liu
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