[Insight-users] Notes from Boston meeting? (or where ITK is heading)

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:51:13 -0400

Hi Jarek,

Here is a summary of the topics discussed
at the Boston meeting. This reflect what the
focus of developers may be for the rest of
the year.

(This is just from my notes so it is probably
not an exhaustive list)

You can also get access to all the material and
presentations of the ITK meeting by checking out
the "InsightDocuments" module from cvs.

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@public.kitware.com:/cvsroot/Insight login
password: insight

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@public.kitware.com:/cvsroot/Insight
                                                co InsightDocuments

You will find the notes on the Boston meeting under:



Summary of Boston Meeting:

1) A Survey with feedback from users was analyzed.

    Among the interesting findings:

  1- more than 50% Windows users,
     followed by about 25% of Linux users
  2- the more requested additions to the toolkit are:

      a- Documentation
      b- Examples

2) A list of missing algorithms was collected

       (it is available on the cvs repository)

3) Wrapping for Tcl is ready,(documentation and examples are required)

    next targeted scripting language is Python

4) A tutorial on ITK will be presented at IEEE Visualization 2002
    plans for other tutorials at conferences are on the way.

5) A need for increasing the robustness of the toolkit and
    improving the uniformity of the code was identified.

6) A Book/Tutorial is needed to provide an organized
    and complete introduction to the toolkit.

7) Need to improve IO modules.
    DICOM to be available soon.
    (the possibility of human sacrifices was
     discussed on this topic  :-)

8) Invitations for adding algorithms are open.
    The NLM provide funding for groups interested
    in adapting and adding their algorithms to ITK.

Please keep in mind that this is an unofficial and
necessarily incomplete summary of the meeting.



Jarek Sacha wrote:

> I wonder if somebody who attended the recent Boston meeting would be so
> kind and post a summary. In particular, I am interested in priorities for
> ITK development. Where ITK is heading in near future? For instance are
> following considered or planed for near future: 
> * Revise design and implementation of the ImageIO module (e.g. streaming)?
> * Support for non-parametric base classes for data representation objects?
> * Vascular segmentation and morphometry?
> * Wrapping for Java and Python?
> Thanks,
> Jarek
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