[Insight-developers] Why are FFTW CMake variables different?

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Tue Dec 18 10:38:34 EST 2012


I was looking to pass some CMake variable from my SimpleITK superbuild down to the ITK external project build. So I assembled a list for cmake varaibles that began with "ITK_":

get_cmake_property( _varNames VARIABLES )

foreach (_varName ${_varNames})
  if(_varName MATCHES "^ITK_" )
    message( "Variable defined ${_varName}: ${${_varName}}")
    list(APPEND ITK_VARS ${_varName})

And passed to those to my ITK external project. While these ITK cmake variables are not defined in the top level, a user could base say "-DITK_USE_SYSTEM_TIFF:BOOL=ON" to the top level superbuild, and ITK would be configured and build with this user specified option. (This will get a lot more interesting when enabling module could also be passes.)

Only problem is that the FFTW cmake variables don't match. These are the ones I am talking about:


I think that these variable should begin with ITK to match the reset of the similar variable in ITK.

Does anyone else have an opinion on this?


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