[Insight-developers] boundary faces calculator bug

Kris Zygmunt krismz at sci.utah.edu
Mon Apr 16 19:21:51 EDT 2012

    While trying to compare results between  
itkScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction and  
itkGPUScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction, I found a bug in the  
NeighborhoodAlgorithm::BoundaryFacesCalculator when one of the image  
sizes is 1 ie a 3D image with size [5,5,1] (I cloned itk 4 today and  
the bug is still in master).  In this case, the calculator repeats the  
final region twice.  It seems like this might have been addressed once  
before in ITK 3.20 just before 4.0, but that may have been another bug  
or that fix might have introduced this bug.

Anyway, I have been able to modify the test to demonstrate this bug  
and have put that patch at http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/ 
5213/ .  This may change the answer from some tests if they are  
unlucky enough to be using images that fall into this image size  


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