[Insight-developers] Improving support for color in ITK

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 11:26:12 EDT 2009

Hi ITK developers,

There are segmentation tasks which require different image color
spaces. As I need to perform (supervised statistical) classification
on color images (digitized pathology images), I intend to improve
support for non-RGB color spaces in ITK. My ultimate goal is a
submission to the Insight Journal consisting of various
classes/filters for converting to/from various color spaces. However,
before I go too far, I would appreciate some thoughts/suggestions from
more experienced ITK developers.

I started my task by taking an inventory of current color
functionality within ITK:

* Basic data container for (linear) RGB pixels

* Provide access to individual (RGB) color components

* Provide access to RGB pixel as vector pixel

* Provide conversions from (linear) RGB to luminance

Obviously there is a lack of support for other common color spaces
such as HSV, XYZ, Lab.

I also looked at VTK, which contains the following functions for color
space conversion (see Common/vtkMath.h):

I noticed vtkMath::RGBToXYZ(..) and vtkMath::XYZToRGB(..) have some
code regarding conversion from linear RGB to non-linear R'G'B' (ie.
sRGB). However this code is commented out, citing incompatible with

I then read Charles Poynton's Color and Gamma FAQs which are
referenced in IO/itkConvertPixelBuffer.h:
<aside>The URLs in itkConvertPixelBuffer.h are outdated and broken.</aside>

I am still processing these documents, but the author seems to suggest
HSB (hue, saturation, brightness) and HLS (hue, lightness, saturation)
"are useless for conveyance of accurate color information" because the
"formulations are based on RGB components whose chromaticities and
white point are unspecified".

All this has left me somewhat confused. So I guess my big question is:
should I stay with the "simple" approach taken by VTK, which --
although not the whole truth -- seems adequate? Or should I aim for a
more "complete" solution, with support for non-linear color spaces
(eg. sRGB), white point specification, etc?

Brad: From a recent post to the users list, you seem knowledgeable on
this topic. Perhaps you have some advice?

Without further advice I will implement the VTK color conversions in a
base filter which accepts VectorImage types. That is, rather than
create a new pixel container for each of the color spaces, the three
channels can simply reside in a vector. For example:

typedef unsigned char BasePixelType;
typedef itk::RGBPixel< BasePixelType > RgbPixelType;
typedef itk::Image< RgbPixelType, 2 > RgbImageType;
typedef itk::ImageFileReader< RgbImageType>  RgbReaderType;
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
reader->SetFileName( "D:/Temp/color1.png" );

typedef itk::RGBToVectorImageAdaptor< BasePixelType > AdapterType;
AdapterType::Pointer imageRgb = AdapterType::New();
imageRgb->SetImage( reader->GetOutput() );

typedef itk::VectorImage< BasePixelType, 2 > VectorImageType;
typedef itk::ConvertColorSpaceImageFilter< BasePixelType, 2 > ConvertFilterType;
ConvertFilterType::Pointer converter = ConvertFilterType::New();
converter->SetInput( imageRgb );
converter->SetInputColorSpace( ColorSpace::RGB );
converter->SetOutputColorSpace( ColorSpace::CIELAB );
converter->Update( );
VectorImageType::Pointer imageCielab = converter->GetOutput( );
VectorImageType::IndexType index;
index.Fill( 10 );
BasePixelType lightness = imageCielab->GetPixel( index ).GetElement( 0 );

The advantage of using vectors to hold the color images is that no new
pixel types (or traits) need to be added/maintained. The disadvantage
is that the user now needs to be careful which color components are
currently held by the vector. For example pixel.GetElement( 0 ) may
return R(GB), L*(a*b*), X(YZ), or H(SV). Do you feel this is too

Sorry for the long email. Thanks for any advice.

Regards, Dan

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