[Insight-developers] SHAMEFULLY UNCOVERED FILE OF THE WEEK: Insight/Code/Numerics/FEM/dsrc2c.c : Search for a Guru

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Feb 17 23:33:37 EST 2009

In order to increase coverage for the dsrc2c.c file,
tests were added to the class


This class provides several methods to be used for solving
the linear system.

They are selected with the "m_Method" variable, as:

  0: JacobianConjugateGradient()
  1: JacobianSemiIterative()
  2; SuccessiveOverrelaxation()
  3: SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationConjugateGradient()
  4: SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationSuccessiveOverrelaxation()
  5: ReducedSystemConjugateGradient()
  6: ReducedSystemSemiIteration()

When re-running the current test with each one of these methods,
the following two fail by throwing an exception:

      5: ReducedSystemConjugateGradient()
      6: ReducedSystemSemiIteration()

    Could a LinearSystemSolver-Guru help us here ?

Could you tell us if the current test is suitable for these
two methods ?

and if not,
Could you suggest another test that will be suitable ?

    Thanks for any hint,


Luis Ibanez wrote:
> The price of the
> goes to the file:
>      Insight/Code/Numerics/FEM/dsrc2c.c
> http://www.cdash.org/CDash/viewCoverageFile.php?buildid=273257&fileid=4777
>      with
>            2,283 lines uncovered,
>      for a total of
>             79% uncovered lines.
> This file will be subject to special treatment
> in the following days.
>     Luis

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