[Insight-developers] dicom time series

Richard Beare richard.beare at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 21:30:22 EST 2009

This question relates to the phase constrast dicom series I mentioned
in my last post.

These series are a time series of a single slice. My dicom sorting
seems to be doing the right thing, but the conversion to nifti does
not. The problem is that the time dimension is interpreted as the z
dimension, so sequence appears as a 3d voume, rather than a 4d time
series with a single slice. At present I'm not sure of the dimension
figures that are being passed through the conversion process, so
simply permuting the dimensions might not be advisable.

Has anyone come across issues of this sort when reconstructing time
series? Are there special dicom tags I'm likely to be missing?

These are captured on a 1.5T siemens machine.


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