[Insight-developers] itkWarningMacroStatic

Brad Davis brad.davis at kitware.com
Wed May 14 08:58:28 EDT 2008


I'd like to propose the addition of itkWarningMacroStatic that can
take the place of itkWarningMacro when no "this" is available (e.g.,
in a static function).  One immediate use is for defining an
itkLegacyBodyMacroStatic macro for deprecating static functions.

The macro would be similar to itkWarningMacro except that it will not
output "this->GetNameOfClass()" or "this".

It warning macros will be defined as follows:

#define itkWarningMacro(x)
#define itkWarningMacroStatic(x)
#define itkWarningMacro(x) \
{ if (::itk::Object::GetGlobalWarningDisplay()) \
    { ::itk::OStringStream itkmsg; \
      itkmsg << "WARNING: In " __FILE__ ", line " << __LINE__ << "\n" \
             << this->GetNameOfClass() << " (" << this << "): " x  \
             << "\n\n"; \
      ::itk::OutputWindowDisplayWarningText(itkmsg.str().c_str());} \
#define itkWarningMacroStatic(x) \
{ if (::itk::Object::GetGlobalWarningDisplay()) \
    { ::itk::OStringStream itkmsg; \
      itkmsg << "WARNING: In " __FILE__ ", line " << __LINE__ << "\n" \
             x  \
             << "\n\n"; \
      ::itk::OutputWindowDisplayWarningText(itkmsg.str().c_str());} \

Any comments, suggestions for improvement, etc?


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