[Insight-developers] Anisotropic level sets tests

Luca Antiga luca.antiga at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 12:39:51 EST 2008

Dear all,
  today I worked at making all tests work with the new modifications  
to level sets for support of anisotropic spacings. It looks like  
we're close.
Today 5 tests were failing. Now, after temporarily reintroducing the  
fudge factor (and fixing a bug), and in the absence of major  
surprises on the dashboard, all tests should pass (except for  
itkVectorThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilterTest, which already  
has a baseline image for the fudge factor-free level set).
If there aren't objections, tomorrow I'll permanently remove the  
fudge factor (Insight/Code/BasicFilters/ 
itkSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter.txx:991) and provide new baseline  
images for the following tests


Alternatively, we could back up from our decisions and provide a  
runtime flag to activate/deactivate the fudge factor. This way we  
wouldn't need to provide new baseline images. In my opinion this is a  
worse solution, but it's doable.

Any opinion on this?


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