[Insight-developers] Coordinating Level Set Algorithm Efforts

Raul San-Jose-Estepar rjosest@bwh.harvard.edu
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 08:28:12 -0500

Hi Lydia,

Could you include in the discussion list
Karl Krissian (karl@bwh.harvard.edu) ?



Lydia Ng wrote:

>Dear ITK Contractors:
>There are at least 4 or 5 groups working on level set based algorithm
>this year. For all of us to successfully meet our deliverables, we will
>need to do some coordination in order to prevent duplication of efforts
>and to make sure common classes and framework meets everyone's needs.
>It would be great if each group working on or have vested interest in
>level set algorithm to nominate at least one contact person. This person
>would be responsible for partaking in design discussion, present the
>needs of their group and to sign off on design decisions.
>The first issue on the table is the design of a "narrowband" solver.
>Josh Cates and Tolga Tasdizen (U. Utah) has been working on this and are
>looking for your feedback. Josh has sent an initial design proposal to
>the following:
>Paul Yushkevich
>Lydia Ng
>Luis Ibanez
>Raul San Jose Estepar
>Tolga Tasdizen
>Carl-Fredrik Westin
>Please let us know if you want to be included in the discussion.
>- Lydia
>Insight-developers mailing list