[Insight-developers] Coordinating Level Set Algorithm Efforts

Lydia Ng lng@insightful.com
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 17:55:52 -0800

Dear ITK Contractors:

There are at least 4 or 5 groups working on level set based algorithm
this year. For all of us to successfully meet our deliverables, we will
need to do some coordination in order to prevent duplication of efforts
and to make sure common classes and framework meets everyone's needs.

It would be great if each group working on or have vested interest in
level set algorithm to nominate at least one contact person. This person
would be responsible for partaking in design discussion, present the
needs of their group and to sign off on design decisions.

The first issue on the table is the design of a "narrowband" solver.
Josh Cates and Tolga Tasdizen (U. Utah) has been working on this and are
looking for your feedback. Josh has sent an initial design proposal to
the following:

Paul Yushkevich
Lydia Ng
Luis Ibanez
Raul San Jose Estepar
Tolga Tasdizen
Carl-Fredrik Westin

Please let us know if you want to be included in the discussion.

- Lydia