[Insight-developers] Which VTK release to use

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap . rr . com
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 10:36:20 -0500

To help with backwards computability we are going to add a #define/typedef pair
into VTK.  VTK will still use double and not the typedef.  But client code can use the
typedef.  So, client code can do this:

#ifndef vtkFloatingPointType 
#define vtkFloatingPointType float

vtkFloatingPointType f* = ...  // call some vtk function

We will update ITK applications accordingly and the dashboard should start
working again.


At 11:33 AM 12/13/2003, Bill Lorensen wrote:
>I use the VTK4 checkout. This is not a branch. It was derived from a VTK4.2 release. We are committed to keep the API stable for VTK4 while the main VTK reinvents itself. VTK4 has been updated to include  DICOM support.
>So, in summary, you should checkout VTK4 from the vtk repository.
>cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at www . itk . org:/cvsroot co VTK4
>At 10:56 AM 12/13/2003, Paul Yushkevich wrote:
>>For InsightApplications to work, should I use VTK release-4-2 or release-4-2-4?
>>I am using the latter and I am getting VTK_LOAD_CMAKE_EXTENSIONS macro problems.
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