[Insight-developers] Which VTK release to use

Bill Lorensen wlorens1 at nycap . rr . com
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 11:33:56 -0500

I use the VTK4 checkout. This is not a branch. It was derived from a VTK4.2 
release. We are committed to keep the API stable for VTK4 while the main 
VTK reinvents itself. VTK4 has been updated to include  DICOM support.

So, in summary, you should checkout VTK4 from the vtk repository.

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at www . itk . org:/cvsroot co VTK4


At 10:56 AM 12/13/2003, Paul Yushkevich wrote:
>For InsightApplications to work, should I use VTK release-4-2 or 
>I am using the latter and I am getting VTK_LOAD_CMAKE_EXTENSIONS macro 
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