[Insight-developers] Users joining

Will Schroeder will . schroeder at kitware . com
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 13:13:11 -0400

Hi Luis-

I think this is fine as long as:

- we don't let too many in at once, this introduces instability
- we create a document that they must agree to which states stuff like
         - agree to abide by the style document
         - agree to work with consortium members prior to introducing new 
classes; significantly modifying design/API
         - agree to fix problems (as shown on dashboard) within appropriate 
time limits
         - agree that the consortium members have final say in design decisions
         - understand that bad behavior results in temporary and even 
permanent CVS write access removed

We can create the document, send to them via email, and get email agreement.


At 11:50 AM 6/19/2002 -0400, Luis Ibanez wrote:

>A couple of high profile users have expressed
>interest in having writing access to the cvs
>Some of them seems to be fairly capable programmers.
>It could also be interesting to invite some of
>them to TCons.
>How do people feel about granting cvs and/or tcon
>access to these users ?
>Insight-developers mailing list